What is Brand, Branding and its role?
A Brand is one of the most valuable assets that a company can have and build, but the question is what actually branding is. It is the feeling and perception that the people have toward a particular product and services and the way people look and perceive it, especially those who experience it.
A brand is experienced by many people such as its employees, owners, stakeholders and especially the customers. A brand is something that differentiate one company from the other company. A brand is trust that people have in it.
A brand is not just a name, it’s an identity in it that people see and believe in and most importantly ready to pay the higher prices for it.
So to conclude we can say that a brand is the perception of people. It is reflected in every aspect of the company, great brands have great value, For example apple is a brand and is known for its innovative and simple idea.
What is Branding?
Branding is a way how brands are built. Every company wants to establish themself as a brand and to do so they invest and do a number of activities and the activities that they do to build up their brand is called branding.
Branding is done in a number of ways, do you see the logo of the brand on their products, in their advertisement this is the example of branding.
A brand is simply the perception that the people have in their mind, the experience that they felt in their hearts and branding help you to shape that perception.
Branding begins from within your company, the way your employees perceive your company has also affected the brand of the company, what they feel is what they express out there to the public.
Do you know the matter? Our brains do not have much difference in reality and perception and if branding has a power to shape our perception, that means branding has power to shape our reality as the brain does not distinguish between the two. So what’s good in perception is good in reality too.
So every company should invest their money out in the branding as that has the power to and can provide you with the amazing result and you can begin this with small things such as getting registered, making a logo for your company, connecting with customer, so that next time when customer come they don’t say i want a product they say i want a product of your brand.
Role of Brand:-
Brands play a vital role in the success of any company, Brands help a company to stand out of the competition and also provide an edge to the company over the competition, Brand in an identifiable asset and one the greatest asset that any business can own and make, A brand is something that create a win-win situation for both the consumer and the manufacture, here are few points that can help you better to understand the role of the brand
- Create a win-win situation for both the consumer and manufacturer
- Guide the Effort of the Marketing Department.
- Letting consumers know about the organization, that puts the responsibility on the organization to provide the best products as its name is attached to it.
- Act as facilitator and help people to choose the product based on the previous experience.
- Provide legal protection to the organizations.
- Your competitor can get your secret, can copy your product but not your brand.
- Your brand provides a competitive edge to your company.
- Boost the profitability and let you charge higher prices.
- Help you in retention to your customer leading to increase in brand loyalty.
- Brands help you to communicate with your customers.
- Open a new market for new products and services.
After listening to these points, it might be clear to you how important the brand is for any company as brand adds a value to the company net worth, the more the people are aware of your brand the more it is brand value.
Do you know that flipkart is worth billions of dollars not because of its service or the profit but because of its brand value, as flipkart has established itself as a brand in the market. And you will be surprised to know that flipkart is in loss since its start. So never underestimate the power and role of a brand.