What is brand positioning and why is it important?
Brand positioning is the way to position your brand in the mind of the consumers some also call it brand strategy, it helps one to position their brand in the minds where they want to position it. It’s not the marketer who positions the brand but it’s the way consumers perceive the brand in their, Every company want to position their brand in such a way that makes their brands unique in the minds of the consumers so that they can associate their brand with something which make them different from the rest of the marketplace.
Brand positioning is something that is going to happen whether or not the company is looking forward to building it but one thing that the company can do is to take the right decisions at right times thinking about the future by doing so they can create a positive positioning of their brand in the minds of their target consumers.
For example, Apple is positioned as the luxury brand in the mind of the consumer, whereas Samsung is positioned somewhere in the middle of the luxury and Economy, where samsung position their different products differently in the mind of their consumers.
Seven Step For Brand Positioning Strategy:-
Building brands is not an easy walk, especially when you are not clear with your brand positioning Strategy. If you want to build a business and not only attract customers but also to make them loyal to you, you need to understand them and your brand well.
Here are 7 steps that can help you to build your brand positioning strategy and also to win some loyal customers.
- Define you Brand:- The first thing you really need to do is to define your brand, what you stand for and what is the thing that you provide to your audience.
The experience that you want to give to your target/existing audience and that helps you get their loyalty in return.
- Identify Your target Audience:- The only way to deliver a value to someone is by knowing who they are and what they want from you, You just cannot help someone coincidentally.
Defining Your audience also helps you to launch the right marketing plans and guide your efforts toward the right direction.
Simple thing that you can do to do this by building a customer persona of your target audience.
- Identify Your Competitor and Their Strategy:- I am not saying to copy them but yes make sure that you know what they are doing and planning to do in the near future and how it can impact you and your brand and also understand what you can do to counter them.
It also helps you to build your strategy by knowing their and even many popular brands do this.
Someone once said well that “Knowing your enemy is half war Won.”
- Compare yourself with your competitor:- Comparing yourself with others is not a good thought and every individual is unique but it can be beneficial too sometimes.
Comparing helps you to identify the points in which you are losing focus and to improve them and also to take benefit of the points you are strong at.
You can also do a SWOT analysis to understand yourself Better.
- Identify Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition:- Try to Identify your Unique Selling proposition, What is the thing that your brand does better than others and how you can leverage your USP to do better than your competition and win more customers.
- Craft a compelling brand Positioning Statement:- Do you ever wonder what makes one brand different from another brand, For Example what makes nike different from Coca-Cola.
Many times you don’t even tell a lot about these brands to people, just saying “Just do It” or “Taste The Feeling” describes a lot about the brand.
That’s what a brand positioning statement is, by summarizing the brand in a few words that define the brand and how it is relatable to the customer.
Brand positioning statement, gives you and your team a direction to move in and reach your destination of building a strong and memorable brand and take enough time to build it.
- Build Your Brand and Key an Eye on Its Impact:- Brands are not build in a day or a month just like Rome was not build in a day. It takes years of consistency and promise to build a meaningful brand that people trust and respect.
Now you know your customers, your market, your USP. your competitor and direction to move in, so what are you waiting for to move in to build a significant brand.
Strengthen your brand by putting your customers firsts and always keep and eye on how your brand is performing and keep evolving.
Repositioning Positioning:-
Repositioning refers to the changing of the brand in the mind of the consumers.To successfully reposition your brand the company needs to rethink all the strategy he has been following, It is hard if the brand/product is already well established or positioned in the market.
Firms sometimes decide to reposition their brand due to one or many reasons such as changed circumstances, Or Changes Business focus.
By understanding who you are and what you do and comparing the same with what customers are looking for, opening up the doors for the business will surely help you to position or reposition your brand in the mind of the consumers.
Believe it or not the hard truth is that you cannot control what other think about you or your brand, but the only thing that you can do is help you brand to position it well where you want it to be and if you are late then try to reposition it.
Example:- Cadbury positioned the bar having a silky texture named dairy milk silk, but later they realized that it has a lot more potential and repositioned it with a bar which is smoothness can be felt,tasted and shared with the friends, thus by using the repositioning strategies brand used to play with the minds of the consumers for a better of their business and to earn more profit.
Integrating Your Brand Positioning in Your Customer’s Mind:-
Brand Positioning is something that is there in the minds of your consumer, and if you really want to position your brand in the mind of your consumers that the thing you need to do is start from within your business, your team.
Build the organization that moves together toward the same goal and objective, every member of your business, no matter how high or low post he has, those who come up with your customers and meet your customers should reflect your brand positioning, even when they are out in the public.
Try to turn everything around you into a expression of position, the way you see your brand and the way you want other to see your brand, every small thing, should reflect the thing you stand for, I known its hard but you need to make them feel, and once everyone around you feel the same, you are ready to position yourself in the eyes and mind of your consumers.
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September 6, 2023 @ 1:24 am
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